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Western North Carolina Fibers/Handweavers Guild

Monthly Meeting

  • 10 Jun 2023
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Historic Johnson Farm, Hendersonville NC


  • Sign up to bring goodies to share with the meeting attendees.

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Fabric Art and Bead Embroidery

Martine House

Our creative path evolves as we mature both in age and experience and I will share with you how mine has taken me from being a more traditional quilter to making sculptural fiber pieces and eventually focusing mostly on bead embroidery. I will bring some of my work with me and will share my process with you.

I have worked with textiles my whole life and have taught many workshops mostly in the USA and in France. I also authored several publications for the French publisher Editions de Saxe. 

Follow Martine on Facebook and Instagram (Martine House- Fabric Art)

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