Bobbin Lace
Four lacers will provide us with a history of bobbin lace along with an overview of contemporary lace, demonstrations, and hands-on activities.
Jane Armstrong will be speaking on the history of lace, Barbara LaFemina will offer a hands-on opportunity with practice pillows, Sheila Leverson will be talking about bobbin lace from the beginner’s prospective, and Sandra Maier will be speaking on contemporary bobbin lace.
Photo: Binche lace (source Susan Roberts)
Jane is an avid tatter who was introduced to bobbin lace through her tatting teacher. She enjoys making torchon and milanese laces, especially in color. Binche lace is her particular favorite. She is the contact for the Tryon Lacers (1st Friday of the month) and organizes their workshops. Jane is a long-standing member of the International Organization of Lace, Inc. (IOLI) and is the Past President of the North Carolina Regional Lacers.
Barbara came to bobbin lace via crochet. She studied flanders and binche laces at the Kantcentrum in Bruges and furthered her knowledge with workshops along the way.
Sheila is an accomplished handweaver and member of the WNCFHG. Bobbin lace had long figured on her bucket list when she found an introductory course through the Lace Museum in California via Zoom. Binche and cluny are among her favorites. She is a member of the IOLI and the Tryon Lacers.
Sandra first saw bobbin lacemakers at their pillows in Bruges while on university exchange in Belgium in the 80's. Her interests include chantilly, cluny polychrome, and wire lace. Sandra is a member of the International Organization for Bobbin and Needle Lace (OIDFA) and is the current Recording Secretary of IOLI.