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Western North Carolina Fibers/Handweavers Guild

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FS: Strauch Finest Manual Doublewide Drumcarder

  • 11 Aug 2021 4:45 PM
    Message # 10925532

    I’m selling my little-used but well cared for Strauch Finest doublewide drumcarder, “Jimmy Carder”. He makes big, beautiful batts with 128tpi cloth. Price is $825 ($1200 if bought new)

    I’ve acquired two motorized carders in the last year, and it was a hard decision to let this manual one go. email me please -- glitchbane at gmail dot com --with interest or questions!

    includes batt picker, doffer/cleaning brush, whisk brush, flicker card with clamp, and clamps for attaching carder to table. 

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