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Western North Carolina Fibers/Handweavers Guild

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Knitted Sweater Kits, Needlepoint Kit

  • 25 Oct 2021 11:12 AM
    Message # 11914051
    President (Administrator)

    1) Manos Handspun Hand Dyed Wool Childs Sweater kit $45.95 NOW $20 (or the yarn could be used any other way) (2 kits)

    2) Catherine Reurs Needlepoint pillow-printed on canvas (not charted) measuring 14.33" wide x 12" high on 12 ct. canvas (12 st/in.) $49.95 NOW $25 Paternayan Persian tapestry wool & metallic yarn included + instructions.

    3) North Island Designs knitted sweater kits, one men's, one women's.  $75 each NOW $38 each.

    6 files
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