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Western North Carolina Fibers/Handweavers Guild

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AVL Workshop Dobby Loom for Sale

  • 29 Nov 2021 2:30 PM
    Reply # 12154467 on 12150891
    President wrote:

    16" Workshop Dobby Loom for sale. 24 harness. AVL Compu-Dobby IV, Interchangeable Design Unit, x-Frame Body, Standard Beater, Sectional Warp Beam (2" sections), AVL Sticky Front Beam, Polyester Heddles, 12 Dent Steel Reed. This loom is in perfect working condition. It utilizes WeavePoint software. Available in Greensboro, NC, for $3,000.00. Respond to this ad for additional info or photos

    Can you send me pictures?

    Thanks, Joan

  • 28 Nov 2021 7:16 PM
    Reply # 12152705 on 12150891

    Can you please provide additional information.

    Thank You.

  • 27 Nov 2021 4:13 PM
    Message # 12150891
    President (Administrator)

    16" Workshop Dobby Loom for sale. 24 harness. AVL Compu-Dobby IV, Interchangeable Design Unit, x-Frame Body, Standard Beater, Sectional Warp Beam (2" sections), AVL Sticky Front Beam, Polyester Heddles, 12 Dent Steel Reed. This loom is in perfect working condition. It utilizes WeavePoint software. Available in Greensboro, NC, for $3,000.00. Respond to this ad for additional info or photos

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