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Western North Carolina Fibers/Handweavers Guild

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WANTED: Small working looms for local girls camp

  • 8 Oct 2022 10:24 AM
    Reply # 12947030 on 12584982

    I have a loom and warping board I would be willing to donate if they will be doing this camp again, MaryJo

  • 8 Feb 2022 3:27 PM
    Message # 12584982

    If you know of anyone who is looking to find a home for a tabletop loom or floor loom that is no larger than 36" weaving width, there is a local girls camp that could use some newer looms.

    What they have in their craft room are two large antique looms not user friendly to young girls and old rickety table top looms. 

    The camp would issue you a letter of acknowlegement with dollar value of donation for your taxes.

    Please contact me through email or call me.

    Thank you.  MaryJo Lanik

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