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Studio Downsizing, several wheels and looms

  • 2 Oct 2022 9:39 AM
    Message # 12939533

    Two years ago we bought this little farm with the intention of building me a new studio to replace the one at the old house.
    Two years in, I am the proud caretaker of 10 sheep, 20 chickens, 2 beehives, a struggling orchard, more gardens than should be possible .... and (you guessed it) no studio. The house is so full of looms and wheels that it's hard to walk.  It breaks my heart (and everyone's shins) to keep tripping over all this unused equipment, so I'm paring down. Don't you fret, I still have wheels and looms to keep me busy, and now I'll be able to work on them guilt-and-bruise-free. All equipment is cross-posted to multiple forums.

    I live in Travelers Rest, SC, but I can deliver anything except the Leclerc Artisat to guild meeting.

    Everything has been stored in my house. Pictures are taken outside because nobody wants to see sad rooms with sad looms.

    Due to the space constraints here, there are even more pictures here on Facebook. If you don't have access and need to see something in greater detail, I can send you pictures.


    1. Schacht Flatiron Spinning Wheel with many extras.
    Currently set up as a right-hand flyer. You can reconfigure this wheel to be left-hand flyer if you wish.
    I have spun less than 10 ounces on this wheel.
    Comes with 4 extra maple bobbins (2 normal, 2 high speed) in addition to the 3 standard plastic bobbins.
    Come with 3 extra whorls (Slow, High speed, super high speed), in addition to the 2 standard whorls.
    Comes with Lazy Kate.

    Cost new:
    Flatiron $988
    Lazy Kate $83
    Maple Bobbins: $54 each x4 = $216
    Extra whorls: $38 each x3 = $114
    $1,401 new from Woolery

    ***Asking $1,100***


    2. Antique Canadian Production Wheel, believed to be Bordua/s

    I bought this lovely lady in a sorry state. She couldn't spin and her wood was sorely neglected. I have restored her to a lovely, working condition. Like most CPW wheels, she was missing the peg that keeps her wheel in place. I have replaced it with a turned peg from an antique toy. She spins fast and fine (you can see the wool I've spun on her bobbin), and prefers a triple drive set-up with a fine cotton string (there is instruction for this on Ravelry). There is no drive band currently because after the darling cat ate the *second* drive band string off of her, I gave up. No markings, but believed to be manufactured by the Bordua/s family of wheel makers, most likely Theodore Borduas.

    ***Asking $200***


    3. Antique Great Wheel with Miner's Head and New Spindle

    I bought this from Eileen Hallman who commissioned a new spindle that could hold her weaving pirns. She spun directly onto her pirns and started weaving. While it was an amazing idea, I have not found it to work for me. This wheel needs some love. All her parts are there. She spins if you squint just right. But she needs fine tuning. Also includes her original spindle.

    ***Asking $300***



    1. Leclerc Dorothy 8 shaft table loom w/ stand.

    8 shafts, with the deeper frame that allows you topurchase an expansion to 12 shafts.
    Includes 12 dent reed and a very few heddles. (See three bent heddles in picture.)

    ***Asking $500***


    2. Ashford 8 shaft, 16" table loom with TONS of extras

    I have only woven 10 yards of cloth on this loom.
    Includes Stand, Treadle kit, second back beam, 3 reeds (8, 10, 12), and 320 extra heddles (for a total of 640 heddles). **Project and shuttle not included.**

    Cost new:
    8 shaft loom-- $975
    Stand  -- $410
    Treadle Kit -- $110
    Second back beam --$133
    2 extra reeds ($77 each) -- $154
    320 extra heddles (for a total of 640)-- $42
    Handi Handle (saves your hands when tightening the warp)--$29.50

    $1,853.50 new

    ***Asking $1,500***


    3. 36" Leclerc Artisat Loom

    This loom was a restoration project that I didn't get to finish before the move. I have scrubbed the rust from 3 of her 4 shafts, and coated them with silicone for smooth sailing. She still has one shaft that needs attention. See pictures. I purchased new treadle pins, new brake band, and new brake spring--they just need to be installed. I also bought two different sets of heddles--texsolv and flat steel--to see what worked best on her. For a very little work, you can have a workhorse of a folding loom. Leclerc still manufactures these in an updated version, and Camilla Valley Farm is a great resource for parts and information about this loom.

    I am asking what I paid + the cost of parts.

    ***Asking $350***


    4. - 6. Old style 20" Schacht Rigid Heddle Looms

    I have three of these old school Schacht Rigid Heddle Looms. They are old. They were well loved before they came to me. Each one comes with an 8 dent heddle that is missing a side dent (see pictures). The more expensive loom lacks 2 dowel rods (easily replaced from a hardware or hobby store) but also includes a 10 dent heddle.  Price reflects age and condition.

    ***Asking $70 each for the looms with single heddles, $90 for the loom with 2 heddles.***

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