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Western North Carolina Fibers/Handweavers Guild

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Need help with counterbalance loom

  • 2 Jun 2023 1:47 PM
    Message # 13209870
    Treasurer WNCFHG (Administrator)

    I received this request. If anyone can help, please respond to:



    I am currently working on a beautiful 100 year old loom in Mill Spring, NC with a group of people. We have restored and repaired it to the point of being able to weave  a sampler on it. It broke in the midst of weaving. One of the straps holding the shafts in place wore out. We tried repairing it with a cord but for some reason we are now experiencing a strange problem. Whenever we press down on treadle #1 which is attached to shaft #1, shaft #2 comes up. We have tried changing up the tie up and even reversing the way the shafts hang on the counterbalance beams, to no avail. Do you know anyone who might be able to come look at it and/or repair it? 

    Thank you,

    Swann Lander

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