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Western North Carolina Fibers/Handweavers Guild

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SAFF Logo Competition

  • 30 Mar 2022 7:20 PM
    Message # 12688083

    Exciting SAFF News!!

    1st Annual Southeastern Animal Fiber Fair (SAFF) Logo Contest

    SAFF is seeking enthusiastic fiber artists to create a logo to be used on all SAFF souvenirs for the 2022 Southeastern Animal Fiber Fair, October 21 - 23.

    ● Artwork will contain at least one or more fiber animals, for example: sheep, angora goats, llamas, alpacas, and/or angora rabbits.

    ● Artwork can also contain fiber preparation tools such as crochet/knitting needles, weaving looms and/or shuttle, spinning wheel and drop spindle. Fiber products such as curly locks, roving and yarn may be included as well.

    ● The logo must contain the words: “SAFF” and “2022”.

    ● Artwork should be in color.

    ● Dimensions for digital entries are minimum 8.5” wide x 11” tall and not to exceed 10” wide x 16” tall, and a minimum of 300 dpi resolution.

    ● Acceptable file formats for digitized artwork: .jpg, .tiff, .tif, .psd, .png, .eps - minimum 300 dpi resolution. A transparent background is preferred.

    ● Submissions will be judged, in part, on ability to be reproduced on garments using screen color printing. Full color artwork with many colors (eg. watercolor rainbows) are less likely to reproduce well. Hence we recommend using up to 5 colors maximum and refrain from many gradients.

    The winning logo becomes the property of SAFF and will be used for the 2022 SAFF Event. The logo will be printed on t-shirts and other merchandise for sale at the event. Credit for work will be posted on the SAFF website, the event program and social media. For the purpose of merchandise requirements the SAFF reserves the right to reproduce, alter and otherwise change the original winning artwork for our best use. The winning artwork will become the property of the SAFF.

    $500.00 PRIZE

    Deadline for artwork is May 1, 2022.

    Submission must include the artist's name, address, email & phone. Winner will be announced May 18th, 2022.

    Best of luck everyone!

    To submit your artwork or if you have any questions, contact:

    Judith Henry

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