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Western North Carolina Fibers/Handweavers Guild

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Be a part of our public art project!

  • 8 Oct 2022 4:13 PM
    Message # 12947224

    Growing CommUNITY 7th & Maple Avenue Art Installation Project


    Yarn Blooming (also known as yarn bombing) is a soft, positive, artful graffiti that brightens ordinary items. Knitted or crocheted strips are sewn around trees, lampposts, and benches. A fun and colorful way to involve the community in making art.

    Drop off all pieces at the Visitor Center, S Main Street by November 30, 2022.

    Knit, crochet, macrame rectangles of any color. Solids, stirpes, decorated; go wild!


    Saturdays, 9am – 1pm October 8, 15, 29 November 19

    Corner of 7th & Maple at the Train Depot Plaza

    We are grateful for all support, supplies, and participation! Thank you!

    This project is funded by STEAP, The Community Foundation of Henderson County, & The Advocates for the Arts.

    For more information or instructions, contact Jenny Camp at 443-328-5719 or joylivecreate@gmail.com

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