As we start winding down our year of meeting together, let me once again urge you to consider entering your lovely work in the 2020 BRFS. While we will still have 9 months before the deadline, after November the holidays will ikely draw your attention elsewhere. For the 2020 show, we will be keeping most of the same categories for the items as 2018 (i.e., Tapestry, Constructed Clothing, Accessories-wearable, Decorative functional, Decorative non-functional) in Felting, Weaving, and Spinning (yarn to finished project). While we are dropping the Yardage category for weaving we are adding a Spun Skein category.
We will have the following classifications for the artists: Professional, Expert/Advanced, Intermediate, Beginner, Youth. We hope to be able to begin accepting entries soon after the New Year. Please give serious thought to entering. We would love the BRFS to “showcase” the Guild. After all, it is OUR show!