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Western North Carolina Fibers/Handweavers Guild

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1 Natalie Drummond Workshops September 25 2023 through September 30 2023

  • 11 May 2023 10:38 AM
    Message # 13199693
    Secretary (Administrator)

    The Overmountain Weavers Guild is excited to share that we have secured Natalie Drummond for a deflected doubleweave workshop in the last week of September of this year!  The registration has been open to our guild members for a couple months and, to date, approximately half of the available slots have been filled.

    We'd like to offer your guild members first dibs on the remaining slots before we open registration up to Natalie's extensive network on May 15th.   

    I have attached a .pdf document which describes the activities during the week, some accommodation information, and the registration form. We do require workshop attendees to be OMWG members.  The OMWG membership fee is $25.  All other pricing information is included in the attachment as is a link to the OMWG registration form.

    If there are any questions, please contact Peggy Bates  at (301) 602-4488 or pegbates5@gmail.com.


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